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Roberto Piola for Android devices - cucinadict

cucinadict is a dictionay about food and cooking. Sorry, but at present it's in Italian only. It is derived from my other site,

Download (free version)

You can download it from android market (google), slideme, Handster, or from Appslib (sorry, appslib has no direct link)

Revision history

1.0000 july 19, 2011: initial setup
1.0001 july 27, 2011: added a search button for the on-screen keyboards; fixed many bugs; added more definitions; inproved speed; added a "What's new" dialog box
1.0002 august 16, 2011: handling of accented letters; partial results are now clickable; added definitions
1.0003 august 22, 2011: added definitions
1.0004 october 6, 2011: links between definition now work; added definitions (now 970)
1.0005 november 8, 2011: started adding a rating to some definitions; added definitions
1.0006 march 6, 2012: added definitions
1.0007 july 30, 2012: added definitions, substring search and hints
1.0008 november 7, 2012: added definitions; search in definitions is now case insensitive
1.0009 january 1, 2013: added definitions; improved icon scaling on high resolution devices; rating is now more granular
1.0010 may 30, 2013: added definitions; bug fix when searching definitions containing quotes; sdk, requirements and icons updated; more partial results are displayed
1.0011 september 7, 2013: added definitions; rewritten the backend; checked references

Discussion and support

please write me: roberto at ilpiola dot it
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